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Some pictures of our cats:

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3/4 of the Fearsome Foursome of Furry Fun, taking a nice cool mud bath.
Here I hold Shadowchaser, runt of the litter, and my pick of the Fearsome Foursome of Furry Fun.
Yung holds Enzo Matrix, her pick of the FFoFF.
Yung holding Shadow, who obviously wants down.
Enzo hungers! He must have food, puny mortal!
Shadow: Is that daft brat putting on airs AGAIN? Can't a girl get some sleep in this dump?
Milo Van Ovaltine and Maxine, the other half of the FFoFF.
Maxine some time later, having grown into a beautiful little girl. Before she was three years old, someone in my brother-in-law's neighborhood abused her very badly. Maxine came home one sunday with a strip of skin roughly 2 inches wide missing from one hind leg. She did not long survive the resulting infection, unfortunately.
Milo, the sweetest, most laid-back cat I've ever had the fortune to know. He and a car or truck had a contest of wills.
Shadow, oblivious, possibly, to the fact that Milo is about to bite her tail. Silly boy.
Don't let Shadow's cuteness fool you, she is as vicious a cat as they come...oh who am I kidding? She's the sweetest kitty she can be. Lovin's are her dearest desire...skritches and cuddles, yes. Oh, and meat floss.
A pauper, born to be Queen.
Enzo makes himself comfortable anywhere he can.
See? Catching some serious Z's, maaaaan.
Milo, of course, denies any acquaintance with someone so silly!
The Fearsome Foursome of Furry Fun, after a hard day's work. Being cute is very tiring.
Enzo recently, just looking cute.
Like I said, the boy makes himself comfortable just about anywhere.
Shadow is so photogenic.
"Hmm? What do you want?"
A frequent pose for Shadow.
Enzo actually loves this!

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