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The Dream

We stand at the lip of the cliff
you and I, watching the rise and fall
of the waves, listening to the roar of the surf
far below, in the cool of the dawn breeze.
Dimly heard, tugging, compelling, is the call
of the free people, the singing birds one sees
through the crystal dome far overhead, the remains
of a dying earth's flying wildlife.
Suddenly, on the horizon, where dawn stains
the sky with crimson, the sun rises above the heaving
black depths.  You and I share a brief
kiss, and then step over the edge.  Leaving
the ground-grubber's existence behind us
we soar out over the waves.  The air
thunders in our ears as we pass,
and we howl in delight at the freedom
we feel.  We drop to skim the crests, and flair
our wings as we near the base of the dome,
so that we dump speed to safely pass beneath
the arches supporting it above the waves.
The columns and arches flash by with
room to spare, and we climb into the sky,
turning inland as we do.  Below us
the dome gleams like a crystal ball, and the city
on the cliff face turns golden with the sun's light.

and then I woke up.

Graphic - Yung's picture

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